Global Reentry Presents: Jobs with Jodi
The National Peace Corps Association invites you to join Jodi Hammer every week as she answers career questions from the audience while sharing relevant tips and resources. Episodes will feature special guests and panels to discuss specific job search topics, employers, and industries that frequently attract Returned Peace Corps Volunteers. Also watch for occasional non-career special episodes and updates from NPCA. Send questions to careers@rpcv.org.
85 episodes
Baktash Ahadi: Documentary Filmmaker and Human Rights Activist
Jodi speaks with Baktash Ahadi (RPCV Mozambique), an award-winning documentary filmmaker, motivational speaker, trainer, and human rights activist. Baktash shares how his Peace Corps experience coupled with his cultural life experiences as a re...

Juana Bordas: A Conversation on Multicultural & Global Leadership
In this episode, Jodi speaks with Juana Bordas, RPCV Chile and recognized thought leader, award winning author, and activist in the Latina and multicultural communities. Juana speaks of her own cultural background and her lifetime c...

Conversation with Environmental Activist Mike Tidwell, CCAN
In this episode, Jodi speaks with Mike Tidwell, a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer who served in Zaire (now known as Democratic Republic of Congo) about his life changing journey into the environmental advocacy field. Mike is fo...

Women Leaders in Action: Jennifer Bangoura
In this episode, Career Services Specialist Jodi Hammer interviews Jennifer Bangoura (Mali, 2008-10), a passionate RPCV, educator, and mother, about her careers abroad in the fields of education, environment, tech, and caree...
RPCV Leaders in Action - Carla Brown
In this episode, Career Services Specialist Jodi Hammer interviews RPCV Carla Brown (Comoro Islands, 1992–94) about her 25-year international career focused largely on international development, including specialized experience in...

Spotlight: Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellowship
In this episode, Career Services Specialist Jodi Hammer chats with RPCV Laura Henderson (RPCV Togo), Director of the Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellowship offered through the Congressional Hunger Center. Laur...

RPCV Leaders in Action - Albert (Beto) Whitaker
In this episode, Career Services Specialist Jodi Hammer interviews Albert (Beto) Whitaker (Paraguay, 1979-81), a seasoned professional who has dedicated his 30-year career to advocating for the poor and marginalized, largely in th...

A Conversation w/ RPCV Steve Driehaus: From Peace Corps to Member of Congress to International Development Professional
This RPCV Leaders in Action episode of the Jobs with Jodi podcast features a conversation with returned volunteer Steve Driehaus about his unique career spanning years as a public servant--representing Ohio at both at the state level and...
State Department’s English Language Fellow Program: Peacebuilding through Teaching ESL
This Jobs with Jodi Podcast episode explores the peace-building initiative of the State Department's English Language Fellow Program. Career Services Specialist Jodi Hammer chats with Outreach Coordinator, And...

Meet the New NPCA Board Chair, John Lee Evans
In this Jobs with Jodi Podcast episode, Career Services Specialist Jodi Hammer chats with RPCV and NPCA's new board chair, John Lee Evans, who shares his own experiences as well as his vision for NPCA. FEATURE...
Season 3

RPCV Leaders in Action - Lisa Flores
In this Jobs with Jodi Podcast episode, Career Services Specialist Jodi Hammer chats with Lisa Flores (Ecuador, 1994-96), a self-proclaimed 'non profit girl at heart who has fallen into some wonderful opportunities to serve....

Careers in Doing Good - A Lifetime of Service
This Jobs with Jodi Podcast episode explores the commitment to service that has propelled many RPCVs to dedicate their lives and careers to making a difference and doing good in the world. Career Services Specialist Jodi Hammer <...

RPCVs Make the Best Foreign Service Officers! A Chat with State Department Officials
In this episode, Jodi is joined by two special guests from the State Department: George Sibley, Diplomat-in-Residence and

Innovation in Development
In this Jobs with Jodi Podcast episode, Career Services Specialist Jodi Hammer chats with RPCV professionals working within the Innovation sector of international development who share their own experiences as well as offer tips an...

The Coaching Phenomenon: Peace Corps & Beyond
This episode explores the growing field of coaching, and its impact on the Peace Corps field experience. Career Services Specialist Jodi Hammer chats with two professional coaches who share their experience working as coaches withi...

Conversations with RPCV Leaders In Action featuring RPCV Charles Enciso
As part of our Conversations with RPCV Leaders series, this podcast episode features a conversation with RPCV Charles Enciso, who discusses his career path — which has taken him coast to coast in the U.S. and around the world — working f...

The Role of Mentoring in Career Development with George Economides
In this episode, Career Services Specialist Jodi Hammer welcomes RPCV George Economides to discuss the critical role mentoring plays in personal an...

Careers in Multimedia/Digital Media
CAREERS IN MULTIMEDIA & DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS PODCASTThis Jobs with Jodi podcast episode spotlights the careers of three RPCVs working in different capacities within the multimedia and digital communications field. <...
The Peace Corps Oral History Project: Record Your Journey
In this episode, Jodi is joined by two representatives from the Peace Corps Oral History Project — including Evelyn Ganzglass (Coordinator of ...

RPCV Leaders In Action Conversation Featuring James Ham
In this episode of Jobs with Jodi, we're joined by RPCV James Ham who discusses his diverse, global work experience with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Peace Corps in our Conversation with RPCV Leaders in Action. James is a staunc...

Ask the Career Coach with Dr. Ronda Ansted: Spring Cleaning Q&A
In this episode of the month's Ask the Career Coach edition of the Jobs with Jodi podcast, NPCA Career Consultant and fellow RPCV, Dr. Ronda Ansted, joins Jodi to chat abou...

Chica Bean Coffee Company — A Guatemala RPCV and partner tell their origin story
This special episode of the Jobs With Jodi podcast features an interview with RPCV founded coffee company Chica Bean Coffee. Listen in as NPCA’s International Programs Coordinator Bethany sits down with Chica Bean Co-founders, Alene Seiler a...

Ask the Career Coach: Live the Life You Love with Dr. Ronda Ansted
Our monthly Ask the Career Coach episode of Jobs with Jodi podcast focuses on providing answers to RPCVs' most burning career questio...

State Department Diplomatic Security Careers, Featuring RPCV Becky McNight and Recruiter Dave Pernal
In this episode Jodi discusses careers in Diplomatic Security within the U.S. State Department, specifically focusing on the position of Special Agent. Many of us may falsely assume that Diplomatic Security personnel are all either...

So you want to be a Foreign Service Officer? RPCVs talk about their Foreign Service careers and why RPCVs make great FSOs.
Jodi and her panel address a popular career goal among RPCVs — becoming a foreign service officer. Many do not realize there are multiple ways to get into the Foreign Service, including some that don't even require the dreaded and difficult For...